Friday, September 28, 2007

1984 Newspaper Assignment

One of the ways Big Brother and The Party manipulate the citizens of Oceania is through media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc). Big Brother controls what people read, what they hear, what they say, and what they think about “reality” and “history.” As a way of exploring this theme, you and your partner will create a newspaper for Oceania. You can report on any aspects of Oceanic life that you wish, such as the occurrence of any crimes (Thoughtcrimes or Facecrimes), or reports from the Junior Spies, the Anti-Sex League, and the Ministries of Truth, Peace, Love, etc. Try to write at least four articles, while keeping in mind that all information is controlled by Big Brother. What kinds of information would The Party want disseminated? The name and layout of your Newspaper are up to you. Be creative, but keep in mind the bleak tone and setting of the Oceania.
For Bonus Marks: Try to incorporate some Newspeak words.
Due Friday, October 12th

Friday, September 21, 2007

Chapter Two (Continued)

Read over the following webpage about the Hitler Youth. What similarities do you find between the Hitler Youth and the Junior Spies?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Critical Thinking Questions
1984 Chapter Two

Chapter Two focuses in part on the children of Oceania. Describe their behavior and the affect of the Party's regime on their upbringing. Consider the tone of Orwell's description; what is dangerous about the way the children behave?

Winston is desperate to write his thoughts down on paper, even if it means death:"Thoughcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death" (28). Why does he think it is so important to leave a legacy to a future age?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Critical Thinking Questions For 1984
Chapter One

This chapter introduces readers to the major themes of the book, specifically the use of irony to manipulate the minds of the citizens of Oceania. Explain the function of each of the following departments and why their titles are ironic. How is the Party attempting to redefine notions of Truth, Peace, Love, Freedom, Strength, etc?

What does the Party seek to achieve by posting the following slogans?